Directions to Sell My Diamond/Joden World Resources Jeweler

From Pittsburgh go N. on 79 towards Grove City, Take Exit 208 (Prime Outlet Mall)

From Erie go S. on 79 towards Grove City, Take Exit 208 (Prime Outlet Mall)

From 208, go E. 5 miles towards town. When you reach town, a McDonald’s will be on your left and a one way street will be facing you. Turn Right onto Main Street and take your next left onto Broad Street. Joden Jewelry is in the middle of the 3rd block on the right side of the street.

From Interstate 80, take Exit 3A (Grove City/Grove City College Exit). Head S. off the exit onto Rt. 173. Follow 173 S. into town. 173 becomes Broad Street, but you must turn right as Broad becomes a one way street. After you turn right, take your first left onto Center Street. Go 1 block, turn left and then turn left again onto Broad St. going North. Joden Jewelry is half way down the block on the right hand side.

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